The Parish of St Gerard’s has been serving Catholics and the broader community of Dandenong North since it was founded in 1956. That the demography of the parish has changed dramatically since St Gerard’s was first opened is reflected in the rich ethnic diversity of the parishioners. In fact, St Gerard’s is like a microcosm of the universal Catholic Church: many cultures united in one Faith under one Shepherd.
St Gerard’s takes its mission statement from the charter given to the Church by Christ: “Going, teach all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit; teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you” (Mt. 28:19-20).
The Parish of St Gerard’s objective and aims are twofold: the glory of God and the salvation of souls.
As the Church gives glory to the Trinity especially through the offering of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, St Gerard’s is committed to offering a beautiful, dignified and authentic liturgy in strict accordance with the liturgical books. The parish with filial obedience looks to the directives of the Church for guidance in all things concerning divine worship.
As Christ’s own mission was to lead souls to his Father, the Church seeks to gather as many souls as possible into the heavenly fold. She does this by praying for the whole world; by teaching all who wish to hear about the Word of God and the Christian truths handed down to us through the centuries; and by the administration of the sacraments. St Gerard’s parish joyfully takes its modest place in this great work of the Church.
To Donate
We have received requests regarding donations to our Parish. Here are the details, should you wish to contribute. We thank you for your generosity and support.
For Parish/Thanksgiving – Account Name: St. Gerard’s Church – BSB: 083 347 Account Number: 53812 1322
For Presbytery/Priests – Account Name: St. Gerard’s Presbytery – BSB: 083 347 Account: 669 675878
Associated links:
- St Gerard’s Primary School
- St Paul’s Publications
- Nazareth College
- The Vatican
- BillingsLife – Leaders in Fertility Education
- Australian Catholic Bishops’ Conference
- FertilityCare
- Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne
- CatholicCare
- Catholic Vocations Melbourne
- St Vincent de Paul Society
- Australian Confraternity of Catholic Clergy
- Aid to the Church in Need
- Central Catholic Bookshop (Melbourne)
- Caritas Australia