The Sacrament of Confirmation is named after what it does for the soul: to confirm and strengthen in the faith those who receive it. In the Acts of the Apostles it is sometimes called the “laying on of hands” from the way it is given.
Our Lord had given the Holy Spirit to His apostles before His ascension, yet they were timid and fearful, and did not lose this timidity until the day of Pentecost, when the fullness of the Spirit was poured out upon them. Likewise, we receive the Holy Spirit at our baptism, but not in all His fullness. This we receive at our confirmation, given usually by the bishop.
Every Catholic who has made his / her First Confession and First Holy Communion should also be confirmed. Children are instructed in confirmation either through St Gerard’s Primary School if they are enrolled there, or through after-school catechism classes on Tuesdays. Adults who missed receiving this sacrament will be instructed by the priests directly.
Please contact the parish office for more details.