The Legion of Mary is an international voluntary association of Catholics. It was founded in Dublin by Frank Duff. Today, active and auxiliary (praying) members make up a total of over 10 million members worldwide, making it the largest apostolic organisation of lay people in the Catholic Church.
Membership is open to those who belong to the Catholic Church and believe in her teaching. Its stated mission is for active members to serve God under the banner of the Virgin Mary by the corporal and spiritual works of mercy, as mentioned in Chapter 33 of the Legion of Mary Handbook. The main work of the Legion consists of activities directed towards both Catholics and non-Catholics encouraging them in their Faith or inviting them to become Catholic. This is usually done by encouraging them in prayer, attending Mass and learning more about the Catholic Faith. The members of the Legion are engaged primarily in the performance of spiritual works of mercy, rather than works of material aid.
The Legion of Mary consists of two kinds of memberships: active and auxiliary. Both are essential to the Legion:
Auxiliary members support the legion through their prayer. They pray the Tessera, the whole booklet of Legion prayers every day. It consists of the Invocation, prayers to the Holy Spirit, the Rosary, the Catena, and concluding prayers. Adjutorians, a higher grade of auxiliary membership, additionally pray the Divine Office and go to Holy Mass daily.
Active members regularly attend the weekly sessions of their Praesidium and pray daily the prayer of the Legion, the Catena Legionis, which consists essentially of the Magnificat and some shorter prayers. Their main role lies in active apostolate for the legion and the church. Active members under 18 are not allowed to give the “Legion promise” until that age. They are considered Juniors and may hold any office except President in their Praesidium. Above the level of the Praesidium, no Junior may serve as an officer. Praetorians, a higher grade of active membership, pray, in addition to their duties as active members, the Rosary, the Divine Office and attend Holy Mass daily.
The parish’s adult praesidium meets every Monday morning at 10.15am in the parish library.
The junior praesidium meets on Mondays at 4.00pm in the parish library.
Please contact Mrs Jacqueline Savanah on 9791 8753.