The Parish of St Gerard’s has been serving Catholics and the broader community of Dandenong North since it was founded in 1956. The demography of the parish has changed dramatically since St Gerard’s was first opened and is reflected in the rich ethnic diversity of the parishioners. In fact, St Gerard’s is like a microcosm of the universal Catholic Church: many cultures united in one Faith under one Shepherd.
St Gerard’s takes its mission statement from the charter given to the Church by Christ: “Going, teach all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit; teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you” (Mt. 28:19-20).
The entries to and from the school carpark have had gates installed for security reasons. These gates will be open from 6:30am and will close every day at 8:00pm. Please ensure to leave the carpark well prior to this time. Thank you.
Weekly Bulletin
To read this week’s bulletin (as well as previous bulletins), please see links above.
St. Vincent de Paul:
Should you require food or assistance, please contact 1800 305 330.
Great protector of the family, St Gerard, we ask your prayers for all parents, that they may receive the grace to live in the love of God and bring up their children to know and love him with all their hearts. We ask you to pray also that those who take the lives of unborn innocents and attack the dignity of motherhood may come to see the error of their ways, and that all may value the true holiness of Christian family life. God, our loving Father, your love gives life to the world. Bless and make holy all human love, especially the life-giving love of husband and wife. May your love fill the hearts and homes of all families, so that the world may enjoy the peace and happiness promised by your Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.